Monday, February 06, 2006



I can hear the whisper of the breeze upon each leaf
I can count each one,
can paint with precision,
caress the naked fact of each one's color.
I can tell the story of each one's life.
I can tell the truth of every leaf on every branch on every tree --
tall, small and in between -- on every rounded acre
of the holy land of my inheritance,
where knotty logs raise high stories home,
so moist in the morning,
where the dung of my horse is fresh alive--
useful to the soil and to my soul,
where prayer at dawn is sighed
like the sorrel sway of a buckskin brother’s tale.
There, where still ponds of glass remind of world's past
and mountains keep a watchful eye
and cool quench the streams supply
I with cowboy-Christ can labor through the day
till dreams of moonrise and fire-dance
console the trees at sundown.

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