Saturday, February 21, 2009

1001 Sanctuary Dreams

We bring in the college gospel choir, a few hundred strong -- faces shining like Mary on her big night -- like Moses on his way back down the mountain, irrevocably aglow, kids like 19, like 20, calling us into the harmony, into that voice that speaks it into being, draws us up and in younger and younger... and wow I can't believe what I'm hearing

We call in the dance crew -- their electric limbs, lightning-flash fast and flowing up and down the aisles all over the floor until it's pulsing through your own veins... the rooms full of peks and shoulders and stomachs and arms hands fingers feet thumping blood through your dreary, weary stone... let out a moan... from the heart you have not known... let them fly great fleshy distances, let life rush, radiant God all a - flush, oh what have I done, O beautiful for spacious skies and hips and thighs... boo-hoo for you if you miss this chance to be shaking with God inside the pants of the new creation... let all God's people say what on earth?

And please let me be the DJ... turn it up loud Capt. okay Bono will do until it's blaring... until no one can stand to sit any longer, until their all dancing, all looking and seeing there is no ceiling, there is no ground beneath their feet... there are no walls, there never ever were... let the open mouth of Eden sing... glory ring... dear God let me live only as a worshiping thing... there among the throng, inside your song... crying til we laugh how long how long how long...

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