Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Good Morning

I woke after nearly 11 hours of sleep believing that all things are possible with God.

The sleep was put to good use, I thought. The coffee might have been a little extra strong that morning or see what a good breakfast can do... but what I tasted I could not account for, a hunger and a tasting at once. All things are possible. The world was radiating color and my marrow buzzed and tickled and I knew that I and all could be felt, I and all could be painted, all could be celebrated, all could be held or shared or consumed. I could eat my fill and later float with a belly full of pleasures knowing that what filled me and what held me were one and could never be exhausted. Did I hear take and eat? And would I...? as I sensed that everyone can do this, that no one ever does.

"It's madness or its joy, again or at last." I gave words to it within myself. Oil and mud slurred and seeping from a crack in the asphalt beneath me was beautiful, it echoed back the laughter I was sharing with my wife, the gasp of recognition and remembrance, the laughter of limitless possibility. There was Hope in the morning hours where art and living interpenetrate, where I was poured out in primaries, where beauty whispered my name, where God gave the world a showing and I could be revealed naked and unashamed. I was there with her in the parking lot, entering the store, entering the hope of morning where great books are written and poems unfurl and where we are attired such as to leave no doubt as to what it is we desire to express. That is where epic stories find us at the center and where acclaimed films are formed from our simple days and everyone sees them and feels the touch of God in them as we did when we first lived them. All scale, all cast, all colors of light, every hue, every texture and tingling dimension of life lives there with you and lives without limit in the hope of morning. That is where you see that You are the living breathing hope of the world because all things are possible with God.

And God is with you in that joy and madness; knowing their inseparability from the view below, knowing why and where and how to reach and resurrect you, knowing how to bring you morning's hope like your dearest brought you coffee. This is the reason that you sing throughout the day and later hear it as the song of God's enjoyment.

I woke desiring to write it in the sand of my soul. I woke discovered by the good morning, alive with health enough to dream, with God and all possible things.

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